Competent Authorities Panel

The Competent Authorities Panel (the Panel) ensures that the laws for transporting dangerous goods are applied consistently across the country. The panel is made up of representatives from State and Territory regulators responsible for regulating the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail.

CAP operates independently to the National Transport Commission. The NTC’s role is limited to secretariat support.


The role of the Panel

The role of the Panel is to decide on national application of exemptions, determinations and approvals issued under the relevant regulations.

The Panel follows the Competent Authorities Panel Rules last updated in May 2023.


Submissions to the Panel must first be considered by the Competent Authority in the relevant jurisdiction. Competent Authorities are the state and territory-based regulators. Contact details for these organisations can be found here.

When applying to the Panel through a Competent Authority, you are required to use the provided pro-forma and include enough supporting information for CAP members to review.  This may include diagrams, photos, and other technical details to support your application. 

If you are uncertain of what to provide to support your submission contact your Competent Authority.

Australian Dangerous Goods Code

The current Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail can be found here.

Contact details

Contact details for the Competent Authority of each jurisdiction can be found here.