National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers

Rail workers play a vital role in keeping Australia’s rail system safe. The Standard helps to support rail operators and rail safety workers in managing the risks posed by ill health.

We review the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers every three years to keep it up to date.

In updating, we work closely with governments, health professionals, rail unions, rail safety regulators and industry so that it incorporates the latest expertise and best practice.

For more information on our recent review of the Standard, please visit the project page here.


Latest news

A new edition of the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers came into effect on 11 November 2024.

Transport ministers approved the revised National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers in October 2024, following a three-year review process by the NTC.

From 11 November 2024, all health assessments conducted for the purpose of determining fitness for duty of rail safety workers must be conducted according to the new edition of the Standard.

Only Authorised Health Professionals trained in the new Standards and registered as Authorised Health Professionals with the AHP Program may conduct assessments under the Standard.

Download the Standard

We worked with unions, operators, governments and health professionals to update the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Works. The revised Standard came into effect in November 2024.

The updated Standard incorporates the latest expertise and best practice. Hard copies of the Standard are available to purchase.

An accessible word version is also available. Previous versions of the Standard are available on request.

Health assessment forms

The following standard forms are provided in fillable pdf format.

Risk categorisation: 

All rail safety workers are categorised to determine the type of health assessment required. For instructions, please see Section 2.4 of the Standard. 

Forms for Category 1 and 2 assessments: 

For instructions, please see Section 2.6.2 and Section 3 of the Standard. The flowchart below explains the process and responsibilities for each of the forms used in the health assessments.

Forms for Category 3 assessments: 

For instructions please see Section 2.6.2 and Section 3of the Standard. The flowchart below explains the process and responsibilities for each of the forms.

Other clinical forms:
Most clinical questionnaires are included in the Worker Health Notification and Health Questionnaire form. The exception is the Clarke Hypoglycaemia Awareness Questionnaire, which is administered as required. For instructions, see Section 4.3.2 and Section 6.1.1 of the Standard. 

Requirements for Authorised Health Professionals

Authorised Health Professionals must meet specific selection criteria which focus on the health professional's knowledge and understanding of the rail occupational environment. 

Queries about becoming an Authorised Health Professional may be directed to the AHP Program or the Chief Medical Officer of the relevant rail transport operator.

All enquiries about the use of the Standard should be directed to the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator.

For enquiries relating to policy issues, email us on

Have your say

The NTC welcomes your ongoing feedback on the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers.

Please use this online form to alert us to issues identified in the Standard. We will consider your feedback in preparation for the next review of the Standard, and be in contact if we require any further information.