View the feedback we have received on the NTC Discussion Paper - Government access to vehicle-generated data paper.

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  • Do our problem and opportunity statements accurately define the key problems to be addressed, and do they capture the breadth of problems that would need to be addressed?

    Yes, these statements are accurate. Vehicle-generated data supporting road safety purposes are encouraged and could follow formats such as the EU Data Task Force.

  • Are there other major local or international jurisdictional developments providing further access powers or arrangements for vehicle-generated data?

    UNECE WP29 is the main instrument.

  • Are there relevant international standards that should be adopted for vehicle-generated data? Are there any standards that could be locally developed?

    Yes, international standards already exist for vehicle-generated data such as DATEX II, SENSORIS, ExVe and ISO.

  • Can data other than for the purposes of road safety be exchanged on non-commercial terms?

    The scope should be limited to road safety data. Data for other forms should be promoted on commercial terms, but there needs to me more reciprocal access to G2B data.

  • Can you provide us with more information on either the costs or benefits for government access to vehicle-generated data for the use cases listed in Appendix B?

    B2G vehicle-generated data should be limited to road safety purposes. More G2B data should be made available to service providers in order to enhance solutions.

  • Does the NTC’s preferred approach (option 2) best address the problems we have identified? If not, what approach would better address these problems?

    Yes, but also strongly support option 1 where more efforts for government and industry to collaborate should be pursued.

  • Does the NTC’s proposed approach best address the problems we have identified? If not, what approach would better address these problems?

    No view on this question.

  • Do you agree that road safety data should be considered the priority purpose for which we seek to exchange data with industry?


  • Do you agree with our assumptions on the currently low uptake and limited availability of technology that supports the generation of vehicle data and that there are few and limited current government access arrangements for vehicle-generated data?

    Technology is still being developed and innovation must be predicated on business use cases. We would suggest following the model of the EU Data Task Force.

  • Do you agree with the analysis presented in Table 7? What other opportunities are there for vehicle-generated data, and why?

    Response as already stated above.

  • Have priorities changed for land transport policy and for data access from vehicles with the onset of COVID-19?


  • Have we accurately described the key barriers to accessing vehicle-generated data? Are there additional barriers?

    There are risks to over regulation and making the market unattractive to service providers. Services should be built on commercial terms.

  • Is there value in establishing a national data aggregator or trust broker? Could good data definitions, practices and cooperation between entities achieve the same outcome?

    We support a national data aggregator and international data standards.

  • In our table, have we accurately captured all the regulatory and legislative mechanisms government could currently use to access vehicle-generated data?


  • Should road safety be adopted as the priority for developing use cases for government use of vehicle-generated data? If not, what other approach should Australia take?

    Yes. EU Data Task Force should be used as a model.

  • We contend that a prioritised starting point should be established from which data for other purposes can be further developed. Are there other approaches that could achieve this?

    No, focus should be limited to vehicle-generated data for road safety.

  • What are the key data needs of transport agencies beyond those already identified?

    Focus should be on road safety data.

  • What further benefits from vehicle-generated data should be considered?

    Increasing road safety.

  • What issues do you believe will be created if ExVe is adopted and that would need to be considered in Australia?

    Privacy, safety and cybersecurity should be the principle concerns.